Testosterone Cypionate is one of the many esterified variants of Testosterone available, and is most likely the second most popular esterified variant (the first being Testosterone Enanthate). It is an injectable form of Testosterone with a slow rate of release and a longer half-life. However, the release rates and half-life of both Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate are very much identical and the two compounds are easily interchangeable (for example, an individual can easily run a 10 week cycle of Testosterone and switch between Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Cypionate seamlessly). Male dosage: Test Cyp is usually used at around 250 -1000mg per week depending on the users experience. If the user wishes to use Cyp in a cutting cycle it is usually run on a TRT dosage of about 100mg a week with the added anabolics for cutting.